Huge Results! My Student Improved By 7 Shots After This Lesson!

Huge Results! My Student Improved By 7 Shots After This Lesson!

If you find yourself relying too much on your arms in the golf swing and struggling with a steep downswing, you’re not alone. Many golfers face issues with limited body rotation, narrow positions in the downswing, and compensatory movements that cause inconsistency in ball striking. In this post, we’ll break down the essential concepts of sequencing your backswing properly and provide actionable drills to help you create a more efficient and powerful motion.



Understanding the Issues in Your Swing


When analyzing a steep golf swing, several key issues often arise:

Limited Body Rotation: Many golfers rely too much on their arms in the backswing instead of allowing the torso to turn properly.

Lifting the Arms: Instead of creating depth, the hands move upward, leading to a steeper angle in the downswing.

Narrow Downswing Position: The hands and club get too close to the body, causing a steep, choppy motion.

Compensatory Release: Due to the steep approach, players often flip their hands at impact to square the face, leading to inconsistent contact and ball flight.


 So how can we fix these problems and create a more efficient swing? It all starts with proper rotation and sequencing.



Creating a More Efficient Backswing


The key to improving your downswing sequence lies in a proper backswing setup. Here’s what to focus on:


More Upper Body Rotation: Turning your chest and back more towards the target in the backswing creates more depth in your swing.

Keeping Hands in Front of the Chest: Instead of lifting the arms independently, maintain a connection between your hands and torso throughout the motion.

Relaxed Arms and Soft Hands: Tension in the arms restricts movement, so focus on staying relaxed for better mobility and flexibility.


Lead Arm Structure: The lead arm should stay extended naturally due to body rotation, not because of forced tension.



Drills to Improve Your Swing Sequence


1. Pump Drill for Relaxed Arm Movement

Setup: Begin in your normal address position.

Execution: Pump your arms gently back and forth to ensure they stay soft and relaxed. Swing back until your chest faces the camera (or an imagined target in front of you). Keep the arms relaxed and in front of your chest. Swing through naturally without forcing hand manipulation.

Tip: Avoid stiffening your arms or gripping the club too tightly—this should feel free and effortless.




2. Lead Arm Depth Drill

Setup: Take your normal stance and place a club across your shoulders.

Execution: Rotate your chest and torso fully in the backswing. Feel how your hands naturally move deeper behind you without lifting. Ensure that your lead arm stays extended due to your turn, not because of tension. Practice this without a ball, then incorporate it into full swings.

Tip: Imagine a baseball player winding up before swinging—let your body guide the movement, not just your arms.



3. Tall and Up Swing Drill

Setup: Address the ball with a relaxed posture.

Execution: Focus on creating extension in your backswing by keeping your chest tall and rotating fully. Allow your arms to stay in front of your chest as you turn. As you swing down, avoid collapsing—maintain height and width for a more powerful release.

Tip: Watch videos of top pros like Rory McIlroy and note how they extend and rotate fluidly rather than getting steep and narrow.





If you’re struggling with a steep downswing, the key is improving your backswing sequence and ensuring proper body rotation. By practicing the drills outlined above, you’ll develop better depth, a more structured swing, and improved consistency in your ball striking. Remember, tension and excessive hand manipulation often lead to steep swings and inconsistent results—stay relaxed, rotate efficiently, and let your body guide the motion.

By simplifying your swing and removing unnecessary compensations, you’ll be on your way to a more powerful and repeatable golf swing. Start implementing these changes today and watch your ball striking improve!