Basic Setup Trick To Pitch Like A Pro
In this lesson I am going to show you how to better control the bottom of your swing, to help with your consistency and quality of strike when pitching around the Greens.
The Problem
One of the biggest errors that recreational golfers make around the Greens is having too much slant to their shoulders at address.
Having too much tilt or slant in your shoulders at the address shifts your upper body to be positioned behind your lower body. This creates too much of a difference between your upper centre and lower centre. This will encourage you to hit the ball too far back and behind the ball.
The Solution
To remedy this, you need to set up in a different way, to ensure that you’re giving yourself a good chance of having your shoulders level at address. Try this simple drill:
- Set the club shaft so that it’s vertical at the address; not leaning too far forward or too far back.
- Open the clubface slightly/turn it to the right.
- Be relaxed in your posture. When pitching, you don’t need to set up for power so you don’t need to facilitate rotation in order to create a lot of speed.
- Adopt a narrow stance with your shoulders level. If you struggle with this, here’s a simple trick to help you get your shoulders level:
- Take your lead hand (the left hand for the right-handed golfer) and place it below your right hand. Without moving the shoulder simply slide your left hand up the golf club and then put your right hand on the grip. You will see that your shoulders are now in a level orientation.
- You need soft arms to pitch well so you can have an element of what’s called “throw” in your swing. “Throw” would be allowing the club head to work through the ball rather than driving the handle through the swing. Having soft arms in address really allows you to do so.
Set the club shaft vertically, with the clubface slightly open. Adopt a narrow stance and place your hands on the grip with your shoulders level. To get this right, place your lead hand on the bottom of the grip. Keeping your left shoulder in place, simply slide the left hand up the grip and you’re in position.
You will start to get a far more consistent feel with how the club’s striking the turf, interacting with it more consistently and proficiently than before. This will improve your results when pitching in from around the Green.
Watch the full video here: