Best Drill For More Power In Your Golf Swing
Best Drill For More Power In Your Golf Swing

Best Drill For More Power In Your Golf Swing

This video shows one of my favorite exercises for moving athletically through the golf swing to create more power, get more distance, and increase the quality of the shot.

The Problem

Unlike other sports, like tennis, where the ball comes to you, and your body reaction creates more energy, golf is played from a stationary position requiring more than simply swinging your arms to make the same amount of energy to get a good distance and accuracy.

 Most players simply pull the arms around their body as they start the backswing by moving their body parts rather than shifting pressure within their feet. High-level golfers make many tiny movements that make it look effortless. Average recreational golfers don’t take into account such movements.

 The Solution

As we backswing, we push into the ground throughout, and there are two ways to do it:

  1. The way we move our body
  2. The way we move pressure between our feet

So, by using the pressure effectively, we can better rotate the body and create more speed and power for our golf shot.

 Here is the simple drill:

  1. At the address position, take a normal stance.
  2. Narrow the stance slightly.
  3. Lift the golf club above the ball and take it forward from the ball.
  4. Before moving the golf club back, take a tiny step from the rear foot on the right. Doing this will allow the club to move further away freely.
  5. As you swing back, feel the pressure into the trail foot. Turn your body as you get a lot of room and freedom to swing.
  6. As the lead arm becomes parallel in the backswing, take a step forward and proceed with the rest of the shot.

The feet movement will create a strong ground reaction force and effortlessly give you distance and accuracy.


If you lack rotation in the golf swing and struggle to move efficiently the way you want and don’t feel athletic, try creating ground reaction force by moving your feet in synchronization during backswing and downswing.

Watch the full video here: