Club Shaft Position at Address | Correct Arm Position | Golf Tip

Club Shaft Position at Address | Correct Arm Position | Golf Tip

How to position the handle relative to your body at the address? It's one of the keys that encourages better takeaway and backswing movement and makes your downswing easier. 

 The problem

Many recreational golfers position the handle so that it creates problems when they take the golf club away. They are under the impression that the golf club should be set towards the body's centerline in the address position. This way, it affects our forearm position, elbows, and shoulders, leading to a weak grip. 

 Some players place it too much forward. In this case, players strengthen the grip unnecessarily, inhibiting the ability to turn back. Eventually, the body doesn't rotate and ends up in a choppy swing.

 The drill

 The golf club needs to be slightly forward to encourage it to be used exactly how it was designed.

 In the address position, 

  1. Set the clubface straight up in front of you, with the handle slightly forward, 

  2. Position both hands on the club so that the left arm and club shaft form a straight line structure. 

  3. It will naturally take the handle slightly forward. You will also notice a slight shoulder tilt as a result.

 If the rest of the things are balanced, it will encourage the downward strike onto the ball and more control on the clubface and low point.


Grip the club shaft with both hands and bring it up in front of you. The handle will naturally bend forward slightly. The left arm and the club shaft should form a straight line structure.

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