Get Easy Distance Gains with This Simple Move
Get Easy Distance Gains with This Simple Move

Get Easy Distance Gains with This Simple Move

The wrists, arms, and body are the three main components in the golf swing that create speed. This article will explain how to use your wrist effectively, which plays a vital role in building momentum in your golf swing.

The problem

Some golfers don’t let their wrists hinge in the golf swing; the result is imperfect shots that lack in distance.

Let me further elaborate on the problem – If your lead arm and club shaft remain aligned when you swing into the halfway back position, and it similarly in the downswing without the presence of a wrist hinge, you will lack speed.

Why does it impact the speed?

The primary cause is that the wrists and arms in the golf swing activate the speed, and the body rotation provides the power. Without our wrist’s movement, we can’t trigger the functions of the rest of the two parts – arms and body. As a result, we will struggle to get the distance we want.

The solution by using this drill:

  1. In the address, hinge your wrists early in the takeaway so that the back of the right wrist bends back (for the right hander).
  2. By the time your hands are in front of your right leg, your right wrist should be bent and the shaft level to the ground.
  3. In the same position, the left wrist should look flat.

By doing this, you will activate the wrists straight off the golf ball, and therefore it’s going to be a lot easier from this position to continue with your pivot towards the top.

The already established wrist hinge in your backswing will create a lagging sensation where you can eventually get that distance and power you have been lacking.

Note: The way we do this is quite crucial. Overly exaggerating the wrist hinge can affect the clubface and likely open it or cup your wrist and you might struggle to get a quality strike on the golf ball.


Bend your wrist back in the address position and keep the left wrist flat. Rotate the chest and go with the rest of the backswing. The L-shaped structure has been established that will provide all the missing speed and power you did not have earlier.

Watch the full video here: