Get More Rotation With This Simple Drill
Get More Rotation With This Simple Drill

Get More Rotation With This Simple Drill

This article is intended for recreational golfers who struggle with body rotation and will help them get good distance and speed.

 The problem

One of the primary differences between a recreational golfer and a professional is how their body rotates through the golf swing, backswing and downswing, and then the follow-through.

If you don’t have a physical limitation and your physio thinks you are perfectly healthy to rotate your body normally, I will give you a practical exercise to move efficiently and eliminate technique errors that cause less than desired rotation.

The drill

The following drill is to fix the rotation problem, and at the time of doing so, don’t worry about the shot’s outcome since we only want to pay attention to our rotation. I suggest using a wedge to rehearse while you exercise.

 Here it is:

  1. Take half of an alignment stick and place it underneath your trail armpit. It will provide a reference to check where the lead arm goes during a backswing and encourage rotation in the follow-through.

  2. Take a stance and backswing the club.

  3. Stop swinging further as soon as you feel the lead arm touching the stick.

  4. Keep the lead arm on the stick while you swing back hard towards the target and turn your body as much as possible.

  5. Make sure the club makes contact with the ground.


With this exercise, your arm will stay on the stick as the body rotates, and you will notice your hips and chest opening more, giving you extra freedom to swing towards the target.


Put the stick underneath your right arm ( for right-handed golfers) parallel to the ground and proceed with the backswing until the lead arm touches the stick. Return towards the target, keeping contact between arm and stick.

This is a fantastic exercise to improve your movement and hit better shots.

 Watch the full video here: