Hit It Straight With More Club Face Control
Hit It Straight With More Club Face Control

Hit It Straight With More Club Face Control

I’m going to be talking all about clubface awareness or how where you aim this clubface at address. The moment of impact dictates where that golf ball is going to start. If you’re struggling to control where your ball is going, read on and try the below drill.

There are a few variables that affect the way that the golf ball flies in regards to start line curvature, mainly the clubface alignment. Get a better understanding of what you need to do as an individual to get your ball straighter from shot to shot.

Here is the drill:

  1. Now the less loft you have, the better. Try and get your clubface aligned as a square with the red noodle you’ve placed on the ground as much as possible. there now I got lucky on that one and hit the noodle straight off.
  2. Next, try five consecutive shots. If every single shot goes to the right, when you actually have the intention of hitting the noodle.
  3. What I would want you to do without changing your alignment, is start to the left and the way to do that is to try to get the clubface closing at the moment of impact.

This is a great skill development exercise that a lot of my players do.


Watch the full video here: