How to Finish Your Golf Swing
How to Finish Your Golf Swing

How to Finish Your Golf Swing

The critical difference between professional and recreational golfers is how they finish the swing.

 This article will help those who struggle to finish the strike and get confused about where the upper and lower body should be at the time of completion.

The problem

Some golfers fail to finish forward enough towards the target, and they are erroneously spending too long on the trail foot, not shifting pressure and mass, and struggle with the quality of ball striking.

Professionals will strike the ball first and the ground second, but when they complete their swing, their hips and chest are extended towards the target. In contrast, those who struggle with the fat and thin shots will exhibit an inconsistent bottom of the swing; the pelvis and the body end up not enough forward through the golf ball.

 The drill

It's an easy-to-perform drill, and here is what you need to do:

  1. Place a reference stick inside your lead foot on the ground.

  2. We usually place a golf ball at the end of the stick for some drills but not this time. Instead, place the ball in a normal position.

  3. Make the swing, strike the ball, and finish it by pushing your hips forward in front of the stick by at least 12-inches. Your chest should look tall in that position.


You must avoid taking only your hips forward and lean your back. It will put a lot of pressure on the spine.


So, if you struggle to finish the swing the way professional golfers do, practice this drill, and you will end up being a fantastic golf shot.

 Watch the full video here: