How to Hit Better Chip Shots Instantly
How to Hit Better Chip Shots Instantly

How to Hit Better Chip Shots Instantly

One of the most frustrating parts of golf is when you're faced with a relatively straight shot, you make poor contact, and you've got the same shot again. If you struggle with this, this article will help you eliminate chunk shots from your game by teaching you to fix 3 basic errors.

 The problem

The club stops when the leading edge drives too much down into the ground, and the ball doesn't advance anywhere near the pin. 

 There are three main errors players make that cause chunk shots:

  1. Placing the ball too far back or ahead in the stance. The golf club descends at a sharp angle and crashes into the ground.

  2. Handle leans too far forward at the dress. When we bend the handle, the leading edge is exposed, and it delofts the golf club.

  3. Keeping the handle in front of the head of the golf club. Like error number two, it will cause the club to dig and stop in the ground.

 The drill
  1. Change the ball position to somewhere center of the stance.

  2. Keep the shaft more vertical at an address and open the clubface for the club to glide. Use the bounce and the soul of the golf club. You will get a bruising of the ground rather than a digging.

  3. Let the clubhead pass-through impact, and at the moment when it strikes the golf ball, the shaft would line back up vertical and then carry through into the following position. Simply ensure that everything is in one line in the address position – ball position, head, shaft, and handle - and the clubface slightly open. A combination of all these will eliminate the chunk shot.


To hit a great shot, place the ball in the center of the stance, keep the shaft vertical at the address and make sure everything, including the ball, head, shaft, and handle, is in one line and the clubface is slightly open.

Watch the full video here: