How to Play Long Sand Shots

How to Play Long Sand Shots

Struggling in those fairway bunkers? Today I’m going to show you how to execute these Long Sand Shots so you too can play just like a pro.

Long sand shots are traditionally very difficult. This is mainly because they require precision and control over the bottom of our swing. However, armed with this knowledge, there are three simple keys you can use to pick that ball clean and put it back into play.

Here’s a quick summary of the absolute MUSTS to hit Long Sand Shots correctly, so get studying before your next round:

  1. Stability is essential to prevent any slippage; dig your feet down and into the ground.
  2. Gripping your club by just one inch will ensure that we hit this ball a little bit thin versus a little bit heavy in the final tip with some more pressure on this lead side.
  3. With some more pressure on the lead side, swing it at three-quarter speed with your eyes focusing on the front half of the golf ball.

Watch the full video here: