How to Use Your Legs in The Golf Swing?
How to Use Your Legs in The Golf Swing

How to Use Your Legs in The Golf Swing?

This article will discuss how the legs and knees need to work to maximize efficiency and power. Hence, you will be able to send the ball as far as possible while increasing your game longevity.

 The problem

Golfers who flex their left and right knees simultaneously face many errors with their overall movement. They struggle with the pelvis and arm movement throughout the golf swing and fail to contact correctly.

 Despite being skilled, numerous professional golfers have made certain moves in their golf swing, which have caused injuries, especially with their trail knee. 

 The importance of using your legs and knees correctly has increased recently.

 The drill

To maximize efficiency and ensure you don’t get yourself injured, you must let your knees and legs synchronize. It’s a great way to get more consistency and power back into your golf swing.

 Once the golf club moves away from the target and reaches the top of the backswing, you must ensure the trail leg has straightened and the left knee flex has doubled in the process. It will also trigger your right pelvis to move higher than the left one. In this position, you will have all the room to get your arms down with an incredible force that will hit the ball first and then the ground.


Instead of flexing both knees in the setup, keep your trail leg straightened and allow the left leg to flex twice as you lift the club. This movement will also cause the right pelvis to go up while the left will stay down as you go on top of the backswing.

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