Instant Chicken Wing Fix for More Power
Instant Chicken Wing Fix for More Power

Instant Chicken Wing Fix for More Power

The chicken wing and not releasing the golf club are two of the most significant moves that plague the recreational golfer.  

In this article, you will learn to improve the speed and height of the golf ball the way high-level golfers do. 

The problem
We often come across recreational golfers who struggle to move their elbows through the swing. The distance between the handle and the body gets shortened, the clubface stays open for too long, and the lack of rotation becomes noticeable. 

 They face huge contact issues and usually end up slicing the ball. Such players have their arms bunched up, and the lead arm moves around the body. 

The drill
Professional golfers will keep the lead arm in front of the body throughout the swing; the elbows would stay close together, finishing with their arms relatively in front of the chest. 

  1. To execute a similar shot, you need to work on getting a better arm structure and grip. Start off with the lead arm (left one in case of the right-hander).

  2. Don’t let it move away with the help of your right arm as you swing through the ball. 

  3. Use the right hand, place it underneath your left tricep and pull it inward to stop your lead arm from getting away from the chest as it swings through the ball. 

  4. You will feel a slight stretch up your left arm. We call it external rotation. It allows the club to release similar to what players do in tennis when the racket turns after they hit a forehand.  

Grab your left tricep from underneath with your right hand and pull it inwards while the lead arm swings through the ball. The stretch will allow the lead arm not to bunch up and move away from the chest.

Watch the full video here: