Stop Standing Up In The Backswing – Simple Drill

Stop Standing Up In The Backswing – Simple Drill

In this article, I will address those of you who, in the backswing, tend to get too much weight up on your toes or your head moves towards the ball, and then, you get stuck and it leads to a slew of inconsistent ball striking errors.

Creating a functional pivot is one of the key contributors to staying in balance throughout the golf swing. This means keeping your arms and body organized to have them working together rather than fighting each other.

If you’re a golfer who tends to get too much on your toes in the backswing, we need to find a way to make you a little bit more balanced throughout the motion so this doesn’t become a recurring issue.

If this is in your postural position, at a dress early extension, this means that your body stands up generally at this stage with all your weight shifting to your toes. To improve the quality of the pivot or how your body moves in the backswing, follow the below drill to really improve how your hips move because that is the core of the problem.

Here is the drill:

  1. From the address position, if you look specifically at what the right hip is doing when you make a backswing, you will see that you don’t have enough depth to your hip turn.
  2. Move back to encourage your body to stay in posture.
  3. As the golf club is moving back, lift the toes of your right foot as you begin to swing to the top. By doing so, it’s really going to push this trail hip or this right hip for the right-hander further back and away from the golf ball.
  4. Film yourself from down the line – get a buddy to do it or look at yourself in a mirror and simply just stop at the top of the swing and see if you’ve lost your posture as you’ve swung the golf club back.

I hope this really helps those of you struggling in the backswing.

Watch the full video here: