Ultimate Speed Control Drill

Ultimate Speed Control Drill

Many golfers neglect their putting. They’ll go to the driving range, get a large bucket of balls and rapid-fire with irons and woods until they’re exhausted. Then they’ll practice one or two putts before heading home. Next time you go out to practice, I want you to begin with a putting drill, such as this, or one of the other drills on the YouTube channel.

 In this lesson, I’m going to show you a great speed control drill to improve your putting and help you shoot some lower scores. Follow these simple steps:

  1. From your putting position, pace out three steps and place a tee in the green. Pace out another three steps from the first tee and place a second tee in the green. Now you have two tees in the ground; one approximately 3 metres away and the other approximately 6 metres away. Go back to your putting position.
  2. Putt the first ball so it rolls past the first tee and as close to the second as possible (ideally just past the second tee, as this represents the hole).
  3. Your next putt attempt should roll past the first ball and end up closer to the second tee than the first ball.
  4. Repeat this with a third ball. The objective is to roll it past the second ball but not overshoot the second tee.
  5. If your putt falls short of the previous ball, overshoots the second tee, or hits any of the previous balls, you must start the drill again. Try to get to 6, or at least to beat your own record.

When you’ve done this a few times you should find that your speed control improves. I hope you find this drill useful.

Watch the full video here: