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Here is what you will get INSTANT ACCESS to when you sign up today:

  • 1 x Personalised analysis which explains to you the key areas of the golf swing in which you should be focusing your attention on.
  •  Over 600+ HQ Instructional Videos
  •  Structured Curriculum Covering All Areas of the Game
  •  Discount Personalised Swing Analysis & Coaching
  •  Comprehensive Library of Resources, Games & Downloads
  •  Exclusive Partner Discounts on Awesome Products
  •  Private Perform Golf Community (Coming Soon)
  •  Updated weekly (with content you can't find anywhere else!)
  •  Available on the Web, iOS & Android.
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Every golfer knows the gut wrenching feeling…

When you’re standing on the tee, with eyes for the fairway…

Only to slice it and see the ball curve hopelessly off direction.

Landing yards away from your target…

And having to play catchup for the rest of the hole, again and again.

It can be an endless frustration, feeling like your swing continuously lets you down.

The truth is…these struggles are just a symptom of a much bigger problem…

Something which no one ever talks about.

Your biggest swing issue is not in the swing at all

It’s in your mind.

Nearly every golfer I’ve spoken to has struggled with being ‘in their head’ during the swing…

Critiquing, analyzing and self-doubt which erodes away at your confidence…

Making it near-impossible to access the thought-free flow state you need to hit consistent shots.

During my tour days, I had several rounds where I could have won – had my mind not been stuck on the last humiliating double bogey…

I ended up missing straightforward shots like a first-timer (in front of spectators expecting brilliance)

Memories that haunt me even today.

It was after those experiences that I began looking for ways to become more consistent.

And that’s how I discovered…

The real key to winning at golf is to first learn how to train correctly…

To silence your mind and let your body flow into the shot

In fact, it’s backed up by science.

Studies have now proven what professional golfers already knew intuitively for centuries…

That the best swings occur when the left brain (responsible for thinking) is the least active.

While the right brain (responsible for intuitive execution) is lighting up.

Scientists call this phenomenon “synchronicity”.

You and I, we call this a 325-yard bomb.

How to make your swing automatic

How can you fully relax and perform like the pro’s each and every time?

The only way to truly master your golf skillset is to develop a sense of unshakeable confidence in yourself…

Confidence that flows from your head to your fingertips and right into your swing!

That means building a “feel” for what the right technique looks like, and when it’s going wrong.

Most players do not have the necessary points of reference to fix their own flaws…

So they end up making the same mistakes, struggling with the same scores year after year.

That’s why I wanted to create a way for you to access all my knowledge from 25 years in the game.

Imagine having a virtual coach to solve ANY problem you’re struggling with in a few minutes…

So you can finally lower your handicap and get “brag-worthy” scores…


Choose a training style that suits your lifestyle and Golf goals. You’ll progress gradually, increasing the intensity each week. When you’re ready to take on fresh challenges and try something new, Perform golf has you covered..



The analysis was first class and watching back the videos was enlightening. Kerrod explained everything and it was more than I had hoped for . Very excited to work with him and make some real progress .

James Senior

Thanks Kerrod for the quick feedback and highlighting the exact issues that need to be fixed first before jumping on to the more complicated fixes. Appreciate the drills that you have given me for practice.

Tapas Ray

Kerrod's tips have been very helpful in improving my golf. I would have no hesitation in recommending him if you are serious about improving your golf.

Syd Cabban

Kerrod’s lesson delivery style and coaching philosophy has honestly turned my game around to a point where I can now see after 20 odd years of playing this great game, where I can get to as a player! However the biggest compliment I can pay to him is he has made me love golf again!

Mark Jarmyn

Kerrod is incredible at pin-pointing inconsistencies and faults within all aspects of the golf swing. Kerrod also uses helpful applications and training drills for clients to use at home or on the range in order for an individual to keep improving without the need of constant lessons.

Cale Millett

Over Members Trust Perform Golf


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Thanks Coach, thats exactly what I needed to hear. On occasion Ive been able to get my release right while practicing and playing with great results, but didnt know exactly how to repeat it. Im sure this drill will help me get my arms under control once and for all so I can be more balanced and release the club correctly.

Rick Christenberry

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To me my issue is simple to diagnose but tough for me to do decades of bad habits. Kerrod's approach makes so much sense and is easy to understand. Just need to keep at it until it becomes ingrain. I feel I'm hitting much better shots but still need to work at a lot.

Bill McComb

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Kerrod was great! I was a bit surprised at how fast he picked up on one of my biggest swing flaws to where my weekly coach never even mentioned that ever. He was kind enough to be very thorough and help me explain what I needed to do and resolved many of my ball striking issues. Very nice and dedicated professional. Im a 6 handicap in the PGA program.

Stephen Marinaro

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Golf is a game with many different components and can be challenging to tackle without direction and guidance. Kerrod works in a methodical manner building foundational skill sets and establishing key concepts essential to your growth as a player.

Kerrod's students; ranging from the beginner to PGA Tour players experience measurable and verifiable improvement and in addition to technical improvements, Kerrod places a large emphasis on improving a player's' soft skills' such as their Golf IQ, emotional management and scoring ability.

  • Coached club champions, State title champions and PGA tour winners
  • Represented Australia as a junior golfer & won numerous tournaments as a junior, amateur and trainee professional.
  • Uses the most up to date golf technology
  • Helped golfers of all levels achieve their goals


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  • Structured Curriculum Covering All Areas of the Game
  • Discount Personalised Swing Analysis & Coaching
  • Comprehensive Library of Resources, Games & Downloads
  • Exclusive Partner Discounts on Awesome Products
  • Private Perform Golf Community (Coming Soon)
  • Updated weekly (with content you can't find anywhere else!)
  • Available on the Web, iOS & Android.
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  • Over 600+ HQ Instructional Videos
  • Structured Curriculum Covering All Areas of the Game
  • Discount Personalised Swing Analysis & Coaching
  • Comprehensive Library of Resources, Games & Downloads
  • Exclusive Partner Discounts on Awesome Products
  • Private Perform Golf Community (Coming Soon)
  • Updated weekly (with content you can't find anywhere else!)
  • Available on the Web, iOS & Android.
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
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