$47.00 USD

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Bunker Play Mastery

Complete this course and you will gain invaluable insights, refine your technique, and develop the expertise needed to conquer even the most difficult sand trap - Getting stuck in the sand will be a thing of the past!

The skills you will gain:

  • The tour proven stance to ensure you're set up like a pro.
  • Simple strategy to get the optimal weight distribution for flawless bunker shots.
  • Secrets of hitting sand-first shots for perfect exits from the bunker.
  • Techniques to master spin, power and expertly control distance.
  • Strategies for handling both soft and hard sand conditions.
  • Learn how to get out of plugged lies effortlessly.

What People Are Saying:

I wish I had seen your bunker lessons when I was first starting to play regular golf. It would have saved a lot of frustration and anguish!

Richard M.

Having spent the last few months giving up on ever getting my ball out of a bunker again I viewed the Bunker Mastery course. First round after I'm in the green side bunker on the first hole - again. Splashed it out to ten feet and holed the putt.

Allan Griffiths