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Are you struggling to create power and compression in your golf swing? If your shots lack distance or you find yourself hitting the ball weakly, the issue may be how you’re interacting with the ground...
Are you struggling with the sequencing of your downswing and finding it hard to create consistent compression in your golf shots? Well, there’s a drill that, despite Tiger Woods’ resistance, can signi...
Do you often feel like your club gets stuck behind you during your downswing? This common issue can leave you with inconsistent shots, including the dreaded push to the right, a slice, or even an over...
Are you struggling with consistency in your golf swing? Sometimes, the most effective tools are the simplest ones. In this post, we’re going to show you how a basic pencil—yes, a pencil—can significan...
Are you struggling with achieving a smooth, effective backswing in your golf game? If you’re having trouble getting the club to move correctly during the takeaway, it could be due to an improper wrist...
Are you struggling with controlling your downswing and getting the proper power in your shots? A common misconception many golfers have is that firing the hips aggressively at the start of the downswi...
A lot of golfers face the challenge of having a short, tight swing that doesn’t generate enough power or consistency. If that sounds like you, don’t worry—you’re not alone. The good news is that with ...
Are you struggling with hitting steep shots and want to learn how to shallow the club during your downswing? Shallowing the club is an essential skill for achieving consistent ball striking and maximi...