
Apr 16, 2024

Are you struggling with poor alignment in your golf game? If so, we have a game-changing tip for...

Jul 14, 2023

The first part of the backswing is a challenge for lots of recreational golfers to get right. If...

Apr 20, 2022

How to position the handle relative to your body at the address? It's one of the keys that...

Apr 19, 2022

This article will discuss how the legs and knees need to work to maximize efficiency and power....

Apr 19, 2022

This article will tell you how to complete the backswing to ensure you get enough room and time...

Apr 19, 2022

Golf is an athletic and dynamic movement, and it happens at an incredible speed. To get maximum...

Apr 12, 2022

The chicken wing and not releasing the golf club are two of the most significant moves that...

Apr 12, 2022

This article will help those afraid of short shots and struggle to hit them because they get...

Apr 11, 2022

One of the essential components of an efficient golf swing is rotating optimally through the golf...

Apr 11, 2022

This article will show you the difference between an iron setup and a driver setup and how to...

Apr 11, 2022

The critical difference between professional and recreational golfers is how they finish the...

Apr 11, 2022

One of the big areas that a lot of players struggle with is those shots around the green is...

Apr 04, 2022
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